
Membership is open to companies, research institutions, universities, and technical professionals.

The Natural Hydrogen association of Australia has two types of memberships:


Full Membership
$1200 / YEAR

  • Companies registered in Australia engaging in exploration and/or development of natural hydrogen resources.

  • Companies registered outside of Australia, holding permits in Australia for the purpose of exploring and/or developing natural hydrogen resources within those permits.


$600 / YEAR

  • Companies engaged in natural hydrogen exploration and/or development registered outside Australia, and not holding any permits within Australia.

  • Institutions and universities actively engaged in research in natural hydrogen science and technology.

  • Consultants and service providers actively engaged in supporting natural hydrogen exploration and/or development.



Full MembershipAssociated Membership
Voting rights at AGMYesNo
Supply directors or chairpersonYesNo
Consultation on content of external communicationYesNo
Participation in quarterly meetingsYesYes
Access to members only area of the NH2A website (once established)YesYes
Access to all the information distributed by the NH2AYesYes
Adher to the code of conductYesYes
Name and logo on the NH2A websiteYesYes

Memberships run for 12 months after the initial acceptance of the membership application and will be automatically renewed unless terminated by the member.

Applications need to be submitted by using the attached application form and is subject to acceptance by the directors of the NH2A.

Code of Conduct

The Natural Hydrogen Association of Australia is a professional society whose members are individuals working in industry, academia and government representing the industry exploring for and developing naturally occurring hydrogen in Australia.

The NH2A aims to be the central point for information related to natural hydrogen and is not-for-profit and non-party political.

General Principles

  • The word “member” or “members” as used throughout this Code includes all classes of NH2A membership in operation at the time.

  • Members will cooperate in progressing the natural hydrogen industry and profession by the exchange of non-confidential knowledge, information and experience with fellow members and the public.

  • Members are required to abide by this Code to uphold the dignity and good reputation of NH2A and of their profession and to maintain the highest possible level of conduct in all professional matters.

  • The NH2A expects its members to act with professional morality and professional standards of conduct.

  • The NH2A expects its members to respect the rights, property and dignity of the communities in which we operate and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as the first peoples of Australia

Relationships between Members

  • Members will act with propriety in criticising the ability, opinion or integrity of another member, person, or organisation.

  • Members will acknowledge the work done by others, avoid plagiarism, and avoid the acceptance of sole credit for work when the results were contributed by the effort of others.

  • Members will endeavour to cooperate with other members, other natural hydrogen professionals and practitioners and will encourage the ethical dissemination of all knowledge related to naturally occurring hydrogen.

  • A member will refrain from using unfair means to win professional advancement, and avoid injuring unfairly or maliciously, directly, or indirectly, another member's professional or business reputation. 

Relation of Members to Others

  • Members should be considerate of the welfare of the public and be ready to apply their specialist knowledge and skills in relation to natural hydrogen for the use and benefit of the public.

  • When acting in respect of any NH2A matter members will conduct themselves with courtesy, respect, honesty, integrity, impartiality and fairness towards other members, the member’s suppliers, contractors, the public, public servants, and governmental authorities.

  • The professional beliefs and opinions of a member, unless previously authorised by the Board of NH2A, should be clearly expressed to be their own, based on facts, experience, and interpretation, and not those of NH2A or other members.

  • No member will claim to speak for or represent NH2A without the permission of the Board of NH2A.

  • Members will not use or disclose any information obtained exclusively through their membership of NH2A and which they know or could reasonably be expected to know is confidential or should remain confidential. 

Duties to the Association

  • Each member agrees to uphold the ethical and behavioural standards set forth in this Code of Ethics.

  • Members will not use NH2A membership to imply endorsement, recommendation, or approval by NH2A of specific projects or proposals.

  • A member will be entitled to use NH2A’s logo on their website to indicate they are a member of NH2A and otherwise on their correspondence only for the purposes and in the manner authorised in writing by the Board of the NH2A.

Compliance with Law

  • Members will comply with applicable anti-bribery and corruption laws and related rules, regulations, and guidance.

 Compliance with Standards

  • Members violating any standard prescribed in this Code will be subject to any sanctions or remedies as may be implemented from time to time in accordance with NH2A’s Constitution.

Application for Membership

The NH2A will provide an invoice for payment on acceptance of the application.

Acceptance of the applications for membership for the NH2A are subject to approval of the NH2A board.